Tuesday, September 2, 2014


I've read advice from other bloggers online and one of the things I've seen is they say "inconsistency" isn't good and one should be consistently posting or how heartbreaking it is to see a blog become "abandoned". Well if you ask me one of the great things about Google / Google Blogger is that by simply clicking on my profile which appears in the left on every page of my blog, is that one can easily follow my new posts. It's not that I've abandoned my blog, it's just that it's been moved a bit! I still post, almost every day however I've noticed that it's easier to communicate and maintain relationships with people through my Google+ page! Most people don't like clicking on a link just to read a blog and would rather just view it directly on Google. In an effort to avoid too many duplicate posts, I post directly to G+.

If you're missing my blogs, please come on over to my page, drop me a line and let me know that you're one of my blog readers too! It's nice to know who's who and make friends with everyone. I appreciate your continued support, friendship and feedback!

Also, if you're curious as to why I take time off occasionally from posting either on Google+ or my blog, it's because I just finished my 2nd book The Little Book of Blogs ~ #warriorshelle and I'm working on a new writing project!! I'm really excited as the newest venture I'm working on is flexing my writing muscles into fiction and I'm also gearing up to write children's books too! Woot Woot!! As always, staying woooo busy!!! Drop me a line to say hi or let me know how you like my new book!

Love & Light,

color copy of my book:

black & white copy:
